15 February 2007

Created date

Thursday, February 15, 2007 - 10:00pm

National Bushfire Forum 27 February 2007

As most of you are aware, the Bushfire CRC is convening a national forum at Parliament House in Canberra on Tuesday 27 February on the topic of “Are Big Fires Inevitable?”

The aim of this high level forum is to bring into focus the need for linkages between research, practice and policies to the issue of the very large fires that have occurred over the past few years. Rather than an internal research workshop, this is an externally focused activity consistent with the recommendation of the Third Year Review that the CRC should promote discussion and policy support for “big picture” issues.

The target audiences are senior representatives in the fire and land management, water, forestry and environment sectors, Federal Ministers and shadow ministers, and senior executives in relevant Australian Government departments. We particularly want to bring out the important linkages these very large fires have to the environment, water, forestry sectors and to the community. These occasional high level research and policy forums will be part of the Fire Knowledge Network in the future.

Kevin O’Loughlin

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