
Created date

Friday, February 1, 2008 - 10:00pm

Bushfire CRC Research and Research Adoption and Budget Planning Meeting

Over the last two days the Bushfire CRC Program Leaders, End User Leaders, Bushfire CRC staff and the Chair of the Bushfire CRC’s Users’ Research Committee have been meeting in East Melbourne.

The purpose of the meeting was to ensure that we continue to deliver user-ready outputs in the key areas that the Bushfire CRC was established to address. Those areas are:

• Fire-fighter safety;
• Prescribed burning;
• Community safety; and
• Aerial suppression.

As we enter the final two years of the current Bushfire CRC, there was recognition that we are now moving from data collection and analysis phase to the delivery of tangible goods, services and tools for Research Adoption.

Gary Morgan
Chief Executive Officer
1 February 2008