June 2010

Created date

Tuesday, June 1, 2010 - 9:00pm

Australasia-US collaboration

A package of collaborative research proposals is being developed as a result of the Fire in the Interface research symposium with 40 invited Australian, New Zealand and United States researchers in Melbourne and Canberra this month. The event was organised by the Bushfire CRC in conjunction with the departments of Prime Minister and Cabinet, and Attorney General in Australia, and the US Department of Homeland Security.

IMG_9371webThe week-long symposium included meetings in Parliament House Canberra, and field trips to areas burnt in Black Saturday in Victoria and in Canberra in 2003.

Over the week, the participants shared knowledge on bushfire risk on the interface and to developed proposals for collaborative research projects in the areas of fire behaviour, interface planning and community safety. These research proposals are now being developed and will be matched with funding opportunities both in Australia and the US. Updates on this process can be found here.


Board moves

CanterfordCongratulations to Governing Board member Ray Canterford from the Bureau of Meteorology who has been promoted to a new position of Deputy Director - Services.

Unfortunately, the Bureau’s gain has been the Bushfire CRCs loss. Ray’s higher duties have necessitated his resignation from the Bushfire CRC Board, effective from the June Board meeting.


Fresh success

DowdyDr Andrew Dowdy, a Bushfire CRC researcher at the Bureau of Meteorology, was one of 16 early-career scientists who presented their research to the public in Fresh Science, a national program sponsored by the Australian Government and hosted by the Melbourne Museum.

Andrew has studied the occurrence of fires caused by lightning, particularly “dry-lightning” that occurs without significant rainfall. This research is the first ever systematic examination of the association between lightning and fires undertaken in Australia.

He has also found that wind speed plays a bigger role than temperature in creating dangerous conditions for bushfires. His work with the Bushfire CRC has led to new possibilities for predicting bushfire conditions based on the weather.

Our views: Opinions, perspectives and insights
