Bushfire CRC Education program

The Bushfire CRC supported students interested in careers in bushfire research and undertaking further study in an area of bushfire research central to the CRC's research program.

The Bushfire CRC assisted course and curriculum developers across a broad range of higher education courses to enhance their course content with the lastest bushfire research.

University partners

Bushfire CRC scholarship students studied at a range of Australian universities.

Scholarship opportunities

The Bushfire CRC (2003-2014) had outstanding postgraduate students as part of a dynamic national bushfire research program for safer communities and ecological sustainability, investigating areas such as fire behaviour, management of fire in the landscape, and the social and economic aspects of bushfires.

We sought students with strong academic records and relevant experience who were keenly interested in pursuing a PhD with a view to researching key issues for fire and land management agencies around Australia and New Zealand.

The Bushfire CRC offered postgraduate students access to:

  • Full Scholarships of $28,000 per annum over 3 years, and
  • Top Up Scholarships (for APAs and University scholarships) of $10,000 per annum over 3 years.
Posted: 10 years 4 months ago

Last week I had the privilege of attending the Australian Community Engagement and Fire Awareness conference, run the by the New South Wales RFS, in Wollongong. One of the highlights was seeing the way in which Bushfire CRC research was being used to underpin brigade-level community engagement initiatives across the country, and the outcomes that are being achieved at a...

Lyndsey Wright's picture
Research Manager

Higher Education Framework

    This section is a resource for higher education lecturers and curriculum developers to create or modify units or courses of study to help build capacity in bushfire management...
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The challenge for courses in environmental management, earth and ecological sciences is to help build capacity and skills so that communities can respond wisely to the complex...
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Town planners, architects, builders, surveyors and engineers play a key role in land use development in areas that are prone to bushfire. Whether designing a single dwelling,...
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The key agencies involved in bushfire emergency management - the rural and urban fire services, state land management agencies and state emergency services - all have well...
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There are two key paradigms which inform the development of community safety policies around bushfires (Handmer 2008). The predominant paradigm is centred on the issue of fire...
Community safety programs can be effective if they are planned and conducted in ways that not only include the most relevant messages and approaches to community safety but also...