Fire Australia Winter edition

Fire Australia Winter 2011 edition

The cover story of Fire Australia’s Winter 2011 edition looks at the ever-contentious issue of prescribed burning. The article principally describes a just-published book on the subject, Burning Issues, by Bushfire CRC Board member Professor Mark Adams of the University of Sydney and Dr Peter Attiwill of the University of Melbourne 

In the magazine’s editorial, Bushfire CRC Chief Executive Officer Gary Morgan looks forward to the AFAC-Bushfire CRC annual conference starting in Sydney on August 29 and canvasses how Bushfire CRC research is increasingly producing results that apply across most natural hazards, including cyclones, floods and earthquakes.

Other Bushfire CRC articles in this Fire Australia include one on our research into improving firefighter health and safety, led by Dr Brad Aisbett and his team at Deakin University, and one by Dr Michael Eburn and Professor Stephen Dovers of Australian National University on the need for better understanding of the legal risks arising from bushfires.

The quarterly magazine is a joint publication of the Bushfire CRC, the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC), Fire Protection Association Australia and the Institution of Fire Engineers Australia.


Release date

Thu, 11/08/2011