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J. McLennan, Birch, A., Beatson, R., and Cowlishaw, S., Factors impacting on recruiting and retaining Australia's volunteer firefighters: Some reseach evidence, Australian Journal on Volunteering, vol. 12, 2007.
G. Elliott, Omodei, M., and McLennan, J., "The Human Factors Interview Protocol: A Tool for the Investigation of Human Factors Issues in Emergency Management", Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 2007.
A. Birch and McLennan, J., NSW Grain Belt Community Survey 2005 - Evaluating the community s understanding about the NSW Rural Fire Service, Australian Journal on Volunteering , vol. 1, pp. 14-25, 2007.PDF icon grainbelt_survey_report_1_final.pdf (594.1 KB)
J. McLennan, Birch, A., Beatson, R., and Cowlishaw, S., Recruiting and retaining Australia's women volunteer firefighters: Some research evidence., Australian Journal on Volunteering , pp. 59-69, 2007.
J. McLennan and Birch, A., Survey of New Volunteers At TWELVE Months: April-September 2005 Entry Cohorts-Revised, 2007.
J. McLennan, Birch, A., Beatson, R., and Cowlishaw, S., Volunteer firefighting: A job for a woman?, 7th APS - Industrial / Organisational Psychology. Adelaide, 2007.
A. Birch and McLennan, J., Who's interested? The NSW Grain Belt community survey about volunteering with the NSW Rural Fire Service, Australian Journal on Volunteering , vol. 1, pp. 14-25, 2007.