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J. E. Leonard, Investigation into the house loss in the ACT bushfires 2003, 2005.PDF icon bushfire_risk_at_the_rural_urban_interface_-_brisbane_2006.pdf (37.83 KB)
J. E. Leonard, Blanchi, R., Bicknell, A., Sargeant, A. J., Reisen, F., White, N., and Cheng, M., Research and investigation into the performance of residential boundary fencing systems in bushfires, CMIT, 2006.
J. E. Leonard, Blanchi, R., Bicknell, A., Sargeant, A. J., Reisen, F., White, N., and Cheng, M., Bushfire at the Urban Interface - Lesson from the Otway Fires (1983), Sydney Fires (1994) and Canberra Fires (2003)., 2004.
J. E. Leonard, Blanchi, R., and Newnham, G. J., Bushfire decision support toolbox radiant heat flux modelling - Case study three 2013 Springwood fire, New South Wales, 2014.PDF icon case_study_3_-_report-final.pdf (1.34 MB)
J. E. Leonard, Property Safety: judging structural safety, in Community bushfire safety, J. Handmer and Haynes, K., Eds. 2008.
J. E. Leonard, Blanchi, R., White, N., Bicknell, A., Sargeant, A. J., Reisen, F., and Cheng, M., Research and investigation into the performance of residential boundary fencing systems in bushfires, CSIRO Manufacturing & Infrastructure Technology, Fire Science & Technology Laboratory, Bushfire Research, 2006.PDF icon _6baf_bluescope_fence_report_final.pdf (2.45 MB)