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S. Ferguson, Aisbett, B., Jay, S. M., Onus, K., Lord, C., Sprajcer, M., and Thomas, M. J. W., Design of a valid simulation for researching physical, physiological and cognitive performance in volunteer firefighters during bushfire deployment., Bushfire CRC & AFAC 2010 Conference Science Day. R.P. Thornton (Ed) 2011, ‘Proceedings of Bushfire CRC & AFAC 2010 Conference Science Day’ 1 September 2011, Sydney Australia, Bushfire CRC, Sydney, Australia, 2011.PDF icon 196-204_simulation_development_for_industry_0.pdf (440.71 KB)
M. Phillips, Netto, K., Payne, W., Lord, C., Brooksbank, N., Onus, K., Jefferies, S., and Aisbett, B., Frequency, intensity and duration of physical tasks performed by Australian rural firefighters during bushfire suppression, Bushfire CRC & AFAC 2011 Conference Science Day. Bushfire CRC, Sydney, Australia, 2011.
M. Phillips, Petersen, A., Abbiss, C. R., Netto, K., Payne, W., Nichols, D., and Aisbett, B., Pack Hike Test finishing time for Australian firefighters: Pass rates and correlates of performance, Applied Ergonomics, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 411 - 418, 2011.
J. Raines, Snow, R., Petersen, A., Harvey, J., Onus, K., Jefferies, S., Nichols, D., and Aisbett, B., Prescribed fluid consumption and its effects on the physiology and work behaviour of Australian wildland firefighters, Bushfire CRC & AFAC 2011 Conference Science Day. Bushfire CRC, Sydney, Australia, 2011.