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Journal Article
C. Lord, Netto, K., Petersen, A., Nichols, D., Drain, J., Phillips, M., and Aisbett, B., Validating ‘fit for duty’ tests for Australian volunteer fire fighters suppressing bushfires, Applied Ergonomics, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 191 - 197, 2012.
M. Phillips, Petersen, A., Abbiss, C. R., Payne, W., Nichols, D., and Aisbett, B., Relationship between fitness components and pack hike test., International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2009.
J. Raines, Snow, R., Petersen, A., Harvey, J., Nichols, D., and Aisbett, B., Pre-shift fluid intake: Effect on physiology, work and drinking during emergency wildfire fighting, Applied Ergonomics, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 532 - 540, 2012.
M. Phillips, Petersen, A., Abbiss, C. R., Netto, K., Payne, W., Nichols, D., and Aisbett, B., Pack Hike Test finishing time for Australian firefighters: Pass rates and correlates of performance, Applied Ergonomics, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 411 - 418, 2011.
K. Netto, Lord, C., Petersen, A., Janssen, J. Spelt, Nichols, D., and Aisbett, B., Muscle activation during the Pack Hike test and a critical wildfire fighting task, Applied Ergonomics, vol. 44, no. 2, 2013.
J. Raines, Snow, R., Petersen, A., Harvey, J., Nichols, D., and Aisbett, B., The effect of prescribed fluid consumption on physiology and work behavior of wildfire fighters, Applied Ergonomics, 2012.