Excellence in Utilisation of Bushfire CRC Research

Created date

Wednesday, September 12, 2012 - 2:26am

At this year’s conference the Bushfire CRC introduced a new award for Excellence in Utilisation of Bushfire CRC Research, acknowledging agencies demonstrating effective uptake of Bushfire CRC research into their business. Congratulations to the Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service for taking out the inaugural award for their utilisation of Bushfire CRC expertise in working toward changing workplace culture to become a high reliability organisation. I'd also like to congratulate the Western Australian Fire and Emergency Services Authority, the New South Wales Rural Fire Service and the ACT Parks and Conservation Service for receiving commendations.

Another highlight of the conference for me was the professional development session on how to run successful events. This session highlighted to all in attendance the importance of interactive and engaging events as tools to support the sharing of information and creation of knowledge, as well as utilisation of Bushfire CRC research. One participant noted “this was an absolute highlight of the conference and an excellent use of my time.”

Coming up on October 25-26 is the 12th International Wildland Fire Safety Summit in Sydney. I encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to attend. More information is available of the IAWF website

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Noreen Krusel's picture
Research Utilisation Manager