No detectable impacts of frequent burning on foliar C and N or insect herbivory in an Australian eucalypt forest
York A, Christie F
Ant community responses to experimental fire and logging in a eucalypt forest of south-eastern Australia
Andersen A, Penman T, Debas N, Houadria M
Patch-occupancy modeling as a method for monitoring changes in Forest Floristics: a case study on southeastern Australia
Penman T, Binnis D, Kavanagh R
Using fire to manage for invertebrate/fungal interactions and biodiversity
York, A. and Bell, T.L.
The effects of fire on invertebrate biodiversity and ecosystem processes
Brennan, K.
Fuel for thought: do litter dwelling invertebrates regulate fine fuel loads in frequently burnt eucalypt forests?”
Brennan, K., Christie, F. & York, A.
The effects of frequent burning on nutrient cycling and insect herbivory:
implications for forest health
Christie, F.
Fire management in a heating world: Potential issues and actions for commercial forest areas
Penman, T
Effect of forest management practices on understorey community composition in dry sclerophyll forests in south-eastern Australia
Penman, T., Binns, D, & Kavanagh, R.
Forests, Fire and Ecological Processes - More than just good in theory
York A, Bell T, Christie F, Brennan K
The effects of fire on nitrogen loss from long unburnt fuels from a Eucalyptus pilularis forest
Aerts V