Wrap with a researcher
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Saturday, July 2, 2011 - 1:07amDuring the consultation we undertook when developing our new Research Utilisation Strategy, we identified that engagement and active involvement was an area that was critical to success.
With this in mind the Bushfire CRC is taking up the opportunity to promote engagement and face to face interaction with our researchers at the upcoming AFAC/Bushfire CRC annual conference in Sydney. In addition to a strong science focus at the conference, there will be the opportunity to meet many of the researchers in the Research Wrap part of the Knowledge Lounge at the Bushfire CRC booth in the Trade Expo area.
The Knowledge Lounge is an area of informal seating (‘a lounge’) where people can engage in discussion - in other words, an interactive, two way dialogue. This can be an effective way to get to know people, to ask questions, to challenge, to listen and in turn progress your thinking about an area of research and what it might mean to you.
The daily Research Wrap program will be advertised with the conference program....keep your eyes open for it and take the opportunity to engage.