Community Safety
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Bushfire detection cameras are being trialled in Australia this summer in the Otway Ranges, on Victoria’s south-west coast and near Tumut in New South Wales. The cameras have...
  Trial by fire: testing a house design Scientists have ‘flame-tested’ a steel-framed house near Mogo on the NSW south coast  to see how the structure withstands realistic...
More than 40 invited Australian, New Zealand and United States researchers, practitioners and policy-makers will gather in Melbourne and Canberra next week for a research...
A research review identified some important differences in the performance of different types of smoke alarms. Conducted by Victoria University for the Bushfire CRC and the...
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Fire agencies recognise that public safety and protection of assets during bushfires depend to a large extent on the community’s capacity to respond effectively to the risk from...
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Risk communication is an ongoing difficulty for fire and emergency services. Official reports continue to refer to the need for better, timely warnings and advice on safe action...
To increase community resilience to bushfires, people need a better understanding of how government policy and public perceptions interact. There is a need for a better...
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The 2003 Canberra bushfires were noted for very high levels of house loss deep into suburban areas. Fire jumping from house to house was a major issue. Project leader Justin...
Over many years, experience showed that many people who died in bushfires across Australia perished when caught by fires on the road, whether in their cars or on foot. By the late...
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The bushfires that threaten Australian homes and lives on a regular basis originate with a small number of common causes. One is arson, or the deliberate criminal setting of...
       This project, led by Professor Mark Adams of the University of Sydney, was a significant extension to the work of the Bushfire CRC. Following the devastating alpine...
This project examined the role, scope and limits of Australian bushfire and community safety communication in preparing householders for bushfire. Professor Peter Fairbrother led...
This project considered whether conflicting legal requirements, and fear of litigation, may impede decision making in emergency management. It identified the true impact of law...
Evidence presented to the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission suggested that a significant number of casualties might have been averted if residents had made (and acted upon...
This pilot research project applied the innovative process of ‘place mapping’. This new approach for the fire and land management industry allows agencies to better understand how...
Issue 63 - An overview of the bushfire arson research project.
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Issue 59 - This research looks at how community safety programs can be improved by understanding why people choose to either prepare or not prepare for bushfires.
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Issue 58 - This study looked at the importance of directing safety programs to women to improve both their technical skills and their confidence in facing a bushfire.
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Issue 52 - This study looked at how households with special needs prepared for and met the challenge of a fire event, and how community education programs could improve their...
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Can a change in strategy from attack to prioritised defence limit the losses of our worst fires? By Damien Killalea, Director of Community Fire Safety, Tasmania Fire...
Blog entry
Issue 40 - A case study of the fire in Wangary, South Australia, January 2005.
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We all knew it could be a bad weekend. With temperatures in the high 40s and strong northerly winds, any fire that began on the weekend of the 7-8 February had the potential to...
Blog entry
Issue 33 - The aim of this project was to identify the best ways of evaluating and improving community safety activities and programs for bushfires.
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Issue 29 - Tim Prior PhD research.
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