Fire Management
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A Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre forum on fire in the high country will be held this week in Albury. This two-day forum will present the latest research findings to...
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More than 40 invited Australian, New Zealand and United States researchers, practitioners and policy-makers will gather in Melbourne and Canberra next week for a research...
Risk communication is an ongoing difficulty for fire and emergency services. Official reports continue to refer to the need for better, timely warnings and advice on safe action...
A key issue for this project was to resolve whether smoke from prescribed fires differs from smoke produced by wildfires. Dr Tina Bell, then at the University of Melbourne...
South-west Western Australia is one of the most fire-prone regions in the world due to the combination of a Mediterranean-type climate with hot dry summers and the presence of...
Why do good firefighters sometimes make poor decisions? This research,  undertaken by a La Trobe University team led by psychology lecturer Dr Mary Omodei  in collaboration...
The Bushfire Management Business Model project - led by Dr Kevin Tolhurst  of the University of Melbourne - was born out of the recognition that while bushfire management has been...
Accurate numbers on  the economic, social and environmental costs of bushfires are hard to identify. Estimates often ignore economic principles and are of limited value in...
The bushfires that threaten Australian homes and lives on a regular basis originate with a small number of common causes. One is arson, or the deliberate criminal setting of...
The impact of smoke from prescribed and fuel reduction burns and wildfires on community health is an area of growing public interest. To minimise the impact of smoke on the...
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Led by University of Tasmania education senior lecturer Dr Christine Owen, this project has studied communications among members of incident management teams working under the...
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Modelling bushfire spread improves decision-making in critical scenarios. This project developed reliable bushfire spread  simulation and animation technology to support a wide...
Firefighter safety is a high priority for fire agencies. Battling fires in hot and smoky conditions is at times unsafe and unhealthy. Firefighters are subject to stressful...
The number  of aircraft used in fighting bushfires in Australia rose from just a few in the mid-1970s to several dozen by 2010, with some, especially the large Erickson Aircrane...
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Prescribed fires over large forest areas are essential to reduce the risk of large-scale bushfires, particularly in forests near population centres and important forest assets...
Addressing the impacts of climate and global change on fire regimes is one of the most important strategic issues confronting bushfire managers in Australia. This project...
This project was the first, comprehensive investigation into the life cycle of fire behaviour, from initiation, through development, to steady-state behaviour. Knowledge gained...
Better management of emergency incidents can reduce any adverse consequences on communities. As such, the aim of this project was to better understand how multi-agency emergency...
Issue 62: Research from the HighFire Risk Project.
Issue 61: Research from the HighFire Risk Project.
Issue 55: This research provides guidance on the types of sediment traps to use - hay bales, coir bales or silt fencing - to reduce the amount of mobilised sediment reaching water...
Issue 42 - This research project focused on understanding information flows and incident management team effectiveness.
Issue 41 - Enhancing Emergency Incident Management Team Effectiveness and Organisational
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Issue 44 - The Safe Behaviour and Decision Making project aimed to identify the human factors that lead Australian bushfire fighters to make decisions that place themselves or...
Issue 43 - Research into firefighter health, safety and well-being on the fireground focussing on the deployment of people who are fit for duty.
Issue 36 - Burning for biodiversity through traditional fire management.
Issue 32 - This Fire Note is a summary of the review of the research relating to the effects of fire on vegetation in the Australian high country.
Issue 31 - Remote sensing of forest canopies to quantify burn severity.
Issue 25 - an update of Fire Note 4 with an emphasis on research directions.
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