Human factors workshops

Joint professional development events

Understanding the human factors that influence decision making and performance in emergency services contexts - joint Bushfire CRC and AFAC workshops are an opportunity to build capacity within agencies.

In seeking to improve operational decision making and performance there is a growing awareness in the emergency services sector of the need to take ‘human factors’ into account. Human Factors is a body of knowledge about human abilities, human limitations, and other human characteristics that are relevant to work and its design.

Research in this area is aimed at applying human factors knowledge to the design of tasks, jobs, tools, technologies and systems, to help achieve to achieve safe, effective and efficient operations.

The Bushfire CRC has had a dedicated group of researchers who have undertaken human factors research in fire management and their research has delivered important outcomes for the industry. Many agencies have been exploring the application of ‘human factors’ in their business for some years. It is also expected that the next edition of the Australasian Inter‐service Incident Management System (AIIMS) manual and training resources will have additional emphasis on human factors.

Workshops ‐ Introduction to Human Factors
Two half‐day introductory workshops are offered at no charge to all jurisdictions within Australasia. A minimum of 15 participants (and a maximum of 30) is required. Interested agencies can contact the Research Utilisation Manager, Dr Noreen Krusel on to arrange. These workshops are substantially subsidised for Bushfire CRC member agencies.

For more information see the attached flyer.

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