Collaborative program launched

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CFA Chief Officer Euan Ferguson launched the conference

More than 1400 delegates will come together in Melbourne from 2-5 September to discuss the latest challenges and trends in emergency management at the biggest and most important all hazards conference of its kind in Australasia, the 20th AFAC and 10th Bushfire CRC conference.

Launching the conference program on 17 April, Country Fire Authority Chief Officer and Chair of the Conference Steering Committee, Euan Ferguson, said the conference theme Shaping Tomorrow Together recognises the need for emergency services to work together collaboratively with the community and other partners from the education, health, business and research sectors, and all levels of government, to shape our future.

“I can assure you the program is of an extremely high calibre. In addition, this will be the biggest emergency management trade expo held in the southern hemisphere, with many businesses showcasing their products that help us protect the communities we serve.

“CFA, MFB, Parks Victoria, VICSES and DSE look forward to hosting this milestone conference,” Mr Ferguson said.

Bushfire CRC CEO Gary Morgan believes the conference and Research Forum, which begins the conference week, will show why research and innovation are more important now than ever.  

“Emphasising the diversity of the research being conducted across all hazards, the science on show across the week will highlight the significant work the Bushfire CRC is delivering to emergency service agencies. The conference and Research Forum present a great opportunity for all emergency management practitioners to learn what we are discovering about the biggest challenges in emergency management across Australasia, and finding ways to use this knowledge every day to make our communities safer,” he said.

As in years past, the conference will include the popular research poster display. Bushfire CRC researchers and students will soon be notified about the process on submitting their poster and other details on the registration process.

For the full conference program and speaker list, visit


Release date

Thu, 18/04/2013