Quantifying the impact of fire on tree water use

Fire Note 115: This Fire Note outlines a study on the amount of water needed as forests recover after fire. Research shows that after three years mixed species eucalyptus forests that regenerate by sprouting do not use more water than similar unburnt forests. When the canopy in the regenerating forest closely resembles a mature, undisturbed forest, it is proposed that water use in the regenerating forest should not increase dramatically as the forest continues to move towards maturity.

Assessing toxic emissions at the rural/urban interface

Fire Note 114: This Fire Note outlines the emission products released in smoke from rural/urban interface fires and what this means. The materials burnt during the research are commonly present in a house or surrounds, but the current knowledge on their combustion is limited. A better understanding of the type and concentrations of potentially toxic gases and particles released during a fire will help assess exposure risks to firefighters and communities at the rural/urban interface.
