Report on the French – Australian/New Zealand Collaborative Research Exchange

Australia and France represent two of the most fire prone regions in the world. Each country faces challenges associated with climate change and subsequent increased bushfire risk and longer fire seasons; increasing political and public scrutiny of fire incident management; increasing fuel loads in forested regions; and increased scrutiny on levels of training, capability development and organisational learning. Whilst the challenges are similar in both countries, the respective strategies employed are quite different.

Firebrand behaviour and the probability of fuel bed ignition

Fire Note 99: This Fire Note documents the first stage of the Firebrand potential and spot fire initiation project. This project is developing understanding of the spot fire ignition potential of firebrands under a range of fuel and weather conditions. The results will enable fire managers to better understand the process of spotting, assist in identifying when spotting will be a hazard and provide a basis for predicting its occurrence and maximum distance.

Community bushfire safety issues: findings from interviews with residents affected by the 2009 Victorian bushfires

Fire Note 98: Immediately following the 7 February 2009 Victorian bushfires the Bushfire CRC organised a multi-agency Task Force to investigate and report on three aspects of the fire: fire behaviour; building survivability and infrastructure; and human behaviour and community safety. This investigation involved interviews with more than 500 survivors. This Fire Note reports analysis relating to human behaviour and community safety from 496 of these interview transcripts.
