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C. Owen, Mesman, J., Marc, J., and Rogalski, J., Accomplishing Reliability within Fallible Systems, in Risky Work Environments: Reappraising Human Work Within Fallible Systems, Ashgate, 2009, pp. 99-148.
C. Owen, Analysing the activity of work in emergency incident management, Activites, vol. 4, 2007.
J. Hamra, Hossain, L., Owen, C., and Abbasi, A., Effects of networks on learning during emergency events, Disaster Prevention and Management, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 584-598, 2012.
I. Dwyer and Owen, C., Emergency Incident Management: An Evolving Incident Control System Framework, Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, vol. 3, no. 02, pp. 66 - 75, 2009.
C. Owen and Bremner, P. A., Firefighter decision making at the local incident and regional/state control levels, in Human Factors Challenges in Emergency Management Enhancing Individual and Team Performance in Fire and Emergency Services, Ashgate, 2014.
C. Owen, Near-Misses and Mistakes in Risky Work: An Exploration of Work Practices in High-3 Environments, in Risky Work Environments: Reappraising Human Work Within Fallible Systems, Ashgate, 2009, pp. 173-196.
J. Hamra, Wigand, R., Hossain, L., and Owen, C., Network effects on learning during emergency events, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 2013.