Getting the message out
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012 - 2:04amNot only is our annual conference a forum for discussion and debate amongst ourselves, it also provides a great platform to promote the research of the Bushfire CRC out into the wider community.
In Perth at the end of last month, our annual conference attracted more than 1000 delegates. Media interest in the conference is always extremely high and this year was no exception with our researchers and agency partners run off their feet with demands for interviews from various print, online, radio and television journalists around the country. Many links to these articles are on the Bushfire CRC website.
In addition, the Bushfire CRC website and the AFAC Knowledge Web both serve as a post-conference comprehensive resource of presentations, formal papers, abstracts, posters and photographs.
Media coverage and online resources are excellent ways for the research to reach a broad audience across Australia and internationally.