An incredible journey
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Friday, May 30, 2014 - 10:05pmAfter 11 years, we are about to enter the last month of your Bushfire CRC. It has been an incredible journey since 2003.
For me, what has stood out the most, notwithstanding the ground breaking research, is the culture change the industry has undertaken throughout this period. At the heart of this has been the close partnership between the Bushfire CRC and AFAC. The successful integration of research into agency culture would not be possible without this strong relationship, and as a result the Bushfire CRC has achieved the first national ‘big picture’ approach to fire research management. We have broadened research disciplines; the fire industry now has researchers from disciplines not previously involved with fire, such as the social sciences, humanities, mathematics, law, psychology and education.
What else? We have built a capacity that has enabled multiple, high impact contract research projects to be conducted around the country. Because of all of this, we now have a succession of researchers, providing the industry with this healthy research capacity.
Research information is eagerly sought and rapidly utilised by firefighters, land managers, communities, policy makers and third party Inquiries. This quality, independent research, underpins policies and procedures throughout Australia and New Zealand fire and land management agencies.
In 2003, we had a vision for the future: safer firefighters and communities, through scientific research informing sound policies and procedures. Much of this has been achieved as we move into a new era under the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC.
The Bushfire CRC has helped to pave the way for a great future for the industry.